Investors face many different kinds of risk. One of the most common is the variability of returns. If returns don’t meet expectations,
investors may not be able to meet their goals or fund their ideal lifestyle.
All investments carry some risk due to factors such as inflation, taxation, an economic downturn or a drop in a particular market. Even if you choose an investment traditionally considered ‘safe’, such as cash, there is still a risk of inflation eroding the value of your capital or falling interest rates reducing the level of your return. For more information about the different types of risk investors face, see the table overleaf.
Information in this document is based on current regulatory requirements and laws, as at 1 July 2020, which may be subject to change.
A testamentary trust is commonly used by estate planning lawyers to protect the assets and inheritance of the testator’s benefciaries from creditors, family law actions and providing flexibility in relation to the distribution of the estate.
There are limits on how much you can pay into your super fund each financial year without having to pay extra tax. These limits are called ‘contribution caps’.